Thursday, June 24, 2010

Great Lesson On Daily Provision

I am so excited about the new Bible study my friends and I are doing together. Another friend told me about it and how much she enjoyed it. I am so thankful she shared with me about it because it is awesome! It is Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place." We just finished week 2 and I am hooked.

This week I loved how God showed us that we have a DAILY need for Him. I love how the manna He provided the Israelites is a representation of the daily food that He wants to provide us spiritually. I know that I need regular time with Him; I have known this for a long time. However, the way the Scriptures point to this and how it was worded was refreshing and new. I am amazed at how God's grace is sufficient in perfect personal proportion every single morning for His children, just like the manna.

Lord, thank You for providing everything we need. Please help me to gather what You offer with joy and obedience!

Father's Day

We had a fun Father's Day this weekend. I felt bad that I didn't have more presents for The Prairie Daddy but I had just gotten back from Kidz Kamp. I did have a couple of photos for him that we had taken while we were in Seattle.

After church we went to the Pow Wow at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center for the first time. It was hard to find a spot to see at first and the sun was blazing down. We found a shady spot to enjoy an Indian Taco and then we found a great spot to sit and watch. The timing was perfect because we were there just in time for the Tiny Tots division and then the Junior division. We got to see all of the kids dance!

We then took The Prairie Kid to a big surprise. His very first movie in the movie theater. Toy Story 3 was playing. It was a great time and he ate gobs of popcorn. The only downfall was that it was in 3D. I get a headache and he must not have cared for it either because he chose to watch most of the movie without the 3D glasses on, which made it fuzzy. He still seemed to have a great time and we liked the movie.

Off to a light dinner and ice cream and then we headed home. It was a nice day to spend with just my little family.

Prairie Daddy, you're awesome and I am so thankful for you!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Peer Pressure

The Prairie Kid was in a weekly craft and swimming class at the rec center. When the class ended I would let him swim for awhile. Two weeks ago several kids tried to talk him into going on the big slide. He wouldn't have anything to do with it.

Today I looked up and saw him following the little girl that he was in class with that also stayed to swim longer. For whatever reason The Prairie Kid changed his mind and followed her up the slide stairs. I watched with anticipation thinking "will he actually do it?"

He did! And I was waiting at the bottom to hoot and holler and, of course, take his picture.

Made Me Smile

I was on the phone the other day. I abruptly ended my phone conversation with "Oh no! I see my son riding his bike up the road! I have to go!"
It is a BIG no-no for The Prairie Kid to leave the fenced yard without Mom or Dad. When I looked out the window all I saw was kid and tricycle headed west. I bolted out the door to start yelling when I spotted the rest of the story.

The Prairie Kid was going up the road to meet up with his daddy

It was like he had his own 4-wheeler but it was just his tricycle

Kindergarten Readiness Camp

The Prairie Kid had two weeks of kindergarten readiness camp. It is a good thing this was just a two week stint because this mama is not ready quite yet to let go. I am having a great summer with my son and it will be a hard day when I actually have to send him into his class for the school year.
The two weeks went great and he had a blast. He learned so much and I was so impressed with the school, the teachers, and the programming. Look how grown up he is:

Will I Ever Catch Up?

I am so behind on this blog. I think about it often...planning in my head what I will say and taking pictures along the way. Time is not allowing me to get to this like I'd like, however.
The last post was about the graduation party for our nephew. So much has happened since then but what??? I will let my pictures be the guide.
In the first week of June we needed to move cattle. I actually fell off my horse at the start of the morning. It knocked the wind out of me pretty good and I hobbled around for a couple of days but thankfully healed up quickly and didn't do any damage. I was actually hoping for a good bruise or two out of the deal to show for my pain but that didn't even happen.

I actually took these pictures on my cell phone...