Monday, February 20, 2012

Flew The Coop

The Prairie Daddy left town for business for, well, too long for The Prairie Kid and I. Since we had a four day weekend we decided to fly the coop and head to Billings for a Mommy/Son getaway weekend.

We had such a great time.

I learned some new things about my kid. One is that he can eat with chopsticks. How did I not know this? Was he practicing behind my back?

We were eating seaweed salad. My child is obsessed with seaweed.

We went to the zoo. It was great fun.

Another thing I learned about The Prairie Kid is that he can speak turkey. He had a lengthy conversation with this turkey.
No joke, it sounded like my son was actually speaking turkey. It was crazy. I laughed and laughed in awe and amazement. Then I ended up hearing my son speak turkey for the rest of the trip. He even got a stuffed turkey at the zoo and named him Mr. Gobbles. They talk turkey all of the time now. Mr. Gobbles even sat at the side of the game board and watched us play LIFE today.

Back to the trip. They laid fruit along the sides of the window for this hungry griz and we got to see him up CLOSE and personal.

Not only did we go to the zoo, we also swam, ordered room service, watched cable, lounged around, shopped and got Taco Bell and sushi. We even got to have dinner with some friends that were also in town. And we went to Costco, which is one of the favorites of The Turkey-Talking Prairie Kid. And we found seaweed snacks at Costco! For 1/3 of the price of the ones on Amazon. I have a very happy turkey-talking, seaweed obsessed six year-old.

We blasted the radio and sang and danced on the drive. And he played "drums" on sticks so loud I am surprised I can still hear.

We made great memories and I am one happy, blessed, fulfilled, smitten mom. Who couldn't love that face? Especially knowing he speaks turkey?


Will said...

He was trained well apparently. Love of seaweed must be genetic, because I have the same addiction.

Prairie Mama said...

He gave you ALL the credit for the chopstick skillage. : )