Monday, September 28, 2009

The Morning After

And after the crazy ride up the mountain we had a whole day off, lounging around, eating bon-bons, getting pedicures, massages, mud masks, and ..................................
Sorry, I just had a lapse of reality. The morning after the Crazy Ride The Prairie Kid had his first day of preschool! So we were up getting ready and making sure we were on time with our i's dotted and t's crossed. I took his cutie patutie little picture and he left with his auntie who is conveniently taking him to preschool the 3 days a week that he goes because she is already headed to town.
Here is The Prairie Kid on his first day of full-time, real-deal, 3 days, 3 hours per day preschool

After The Prairie Kid left Monica the Magnificent and I sat down to a cup of coffee and a good, long chat. It was a great time together and when we were done I decided to start tackling the list of things I had to get done before that evening...because it was the first night of Galaxy, the mid-week children's program I coordinate at our church! (Yes, I am crazy...I pile up loads and hoards of huge things to accomplish in one week on my plate and hope that I survive).

So...there I was...starting to accomplish the hoards of things to accomplish. And I looked at the clock. PANIC!!! The Prairie Kid's preschool had ended 15 minutes ago!!! "MONICA!!! WE FORGOT THE PRAIRIE KID!!!" And off I ran to the phone to call and tell them I would be there soon. I raced to get myself in the car and managed to get him picked up with my tail between my legs and my identity on a platter with a decorative title "Humbled."

Yep, I was the mom that forgot to pick her kid up on his FIRST day of preschool. Way to go, Prairie Mama!

We regrouped when we came home and I was a wild banshee accomplishing the tasks at hand and managed to get Galaxy launched. Whew.

Here I am helping the kids through the "Instant Drama"
Here is where the Red Sea crashed over the Egyptians after the Israelites were safely across...
And God only knows what we were doing here...
Whew. I am exhausted just recounting this wild week that we had. I think I need a bon-bon.

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