Friday, May 9, 2008

Prairie Entrepreneuring

"Entrepreneuring" – a process that involves dreaming, discovering, and creating –

A limited liability excavation company was formed in our living room recently. I am proud to announce the grand opening of Prairie Excavation, LLC co-founded by The Prairie Daddy and The Prairie Kid.

(Mom this is a video not a may wish to push the play button on the lower left hand corner of the clip... : ) I love you. )

Both of the co-founders of Prairie Excavation, LLC have obvious experience in heavy equipment operations. I am confident that they will serve the area well with any earth moving or hauling needs. Prairie Excavation, LLC offers the following services:

- plastic brick removal

- screening for cheerios and other carpet debris

- demolition of anything stackable

- lego hauling

- site preparation for toy dispersal or vacuuming

Please feel free to contact the office for information on how this company can help you!


Shannon said...

Erin...honestly, you are so darn creative, well written, and funny funny funny. Honestly, you have a very special talent. The video is adorable. Please put Tade on a plane to Seattle ASAP. SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

so does your company move ANYTHING...i would love if you would come and place a bid. I love its so much! i miss you so much...tad is talking so much!